Dartmouth Montshire Institute for Science Education
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Looking Inside Exhibit

An exhibit illustrating non-invasive medical imaging technology

The Dartmouth Medical School Department of Radiology and Montshire Museum exhibit designers have collaborated on an exhibition allowing visitors to learn about various non-invasive medical imaging technologies and what information they can reveal about the human body.

Still and moving images created using X-ray, MRI, PET, angiogram, CT-scan, four-dimensional ultrasound, and other technologies have been incorporated. The design process focused on exhibition techniques that encourage multi-generational conversations to enhance learning.

The exhibition opened in the spring of 2010 at the Montshire Museum.

Project principals:

Scientific P.I.: Peter Spiegel
Professor and Chair of Radiology, Dartmouth Medical School

Jennifer Krawitt
Resident, Department of Radiology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

Exhibit Design: Bob Raiselis
Department of Exhibits, Montshire Museum of Science

Project dates:

9/1/06 - 8/31/10

Project funding:

Source: MetLife Foundation
Grant Recipient: Montshire Museum of Science

Project budget:


For project information, contact any of the project principals.

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Dartmouth-Montshire Institute for Science Education